• +385 23 212 919

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About Us

‘AQUARIUS’ travel agency was established in 1998 and today is a part of ‘BRODOOPREMA’ limited liability company. Over the many years of his activity in tourism, the owner of the agency, director and sea captain, Tonči Jureško specialized in various forms of tourism activities in Zadar area, especially in the field of organizing trips and voyages. The most significant part of the agency service is the booking of hotel and apartment accommodation all over the Croatian coast of the Adriatic, and abroad. Experienced professionals in the travel agency and expert tourist guides will offer you safety and well-organized trips and voyages during your holidays.

The main services of the agency are:



Eugena Kumičića 13 Zadar
Voditelj poslova: TONČI JUREŠKO
Upisano u sudski registar trgovačkog suda u Zadru MBS 110016590
Tel:023/212919 – 023/224120
fax 023/212919
E-mail: juresko@zd.t-com.hr

OIB: 11193340049
Direktor/član uprave: Tonči Jureško
ID KOD : HR- AB-23-0600045198

Nadležno tijelo za službeni nadzor djelatnosti turističke agencije je Ministarstvo turizma – Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1, 10000 Zagreb Sukladno članku 6. Točka 3. Zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu obavještavamo potrošače da eventualno nezadovoljstvo za pruženu uslugu mogu iskazati prigovorom u pisanoj formi u prostorijama agencije ili isti možete poslati putem pošte, telefaksa ili elektroničke pošte na adresu : juresko@zd.t-com.hr
Working Hours:

01.01 – 29.02.
pon-pet 08:00-17:00 , sub: 08:00-14:00
01.11. -31.12. i 01.03. - 31.03.
pon-pet 07:30-20:00, sub:08:00-14:00
01.04– 22.04.
pon-pet: 7:30-20.00
sub: 8.00-14.00 ned: 8:00 – 14:00 i 17:00 – 20:00
23.04. - 31.05.
pon-pet: 7:30-21:00
sub: 8:00-14:00 ned: 8:00-14:00 i 17:00-20:00
01.06.- 30.06.
od 07:30 do 22:00
01.07. - 31.08.
od 07:30 do 24:00
01.09.- 30.09.
od 07:30 do 22:00
pon-pet 07:30-20:00, sub:08-14:00,ned:08:00-13:00